The porch is
positioned to capture
breezes. Doors lead
from the porch to the
living room for added
light and airflow.
The Galvalume
metal roof is made
from post-industrial
recycled steel. It
resists cracking
and corrosion, and
its light color
deflects heat.
garages can allow
gas and paint fum es
and other toxins into
the home. This
detached carport
improves indoor
air quality.
W hat makes
a home green?
The words“green building” may
conjure images of solar-powered
pods, rammed-earth dwellings,
or just plain weird houses.‘That’s
why Pm increasingly using the term
‘high-performance building,’” says
architect Peter Pfeiffer. Here are
the top three characteristics of a
h igh-performance house:
Saves energy
“Saving anything, whether water
or energy or money, is always the
most obvious way to reduceyour
cost of living and impact on the
environment,” Pfeiffer says. Having
energy-savingmechanical systems
(such as hydronic water heaters,
low-flow toilets,and Energy-Star-
rated appliances) in a well-insulated
Improves health
“Weshouldn’t sleep with our cars
anymore,” Pfeiffer says. Detached
garages or carports ensurethat
toxic air keeps its distance. Green-
built houses also use nontoxic paint
and have carefully sized heating and
airconditioningsystems, which
air. In addition,these houses make
use of high-quality exhaust fans and
offer ways to bring in fresh air.
Reduces impact
“It’s easier to build houses in a city
wherethereare already lots,utilities,
and services set upfor housing to
exist,” Pfeiffer says, so building on
infill property is inherently eco-
f riend ly.“Stores and schools are
already nearby; so are utilities like
sewer, water,and electricity.Truly
buildinggreen means not havingto
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